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Posted by : Unknown Jumat, 12 April 2013

The Legend of Nyi Roro Kidul
(The Queen of South Ocean)

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Kadita. Because of her beauty she was called Dewi Srengenge. It meant the goddess of sun. Her father was King Munding Wangi. Although he had a beautiful daughter, he was unhappy because he always expected to have a son.

The king decided to marry Dewi Mutiara. He had a son from her. Dewi Mutiara wanted her son to become a king in the future. She asked the King to send his daughter away. The king did not agree.

Dewi Mutiara called a black wizard to curse Kadita. She wanted Kadita’s beautiful body full of ulcer. Then, Kadita’s body was full of ulcer. It smelled bad. The beautiful princess cried.

The King was sad. No one could cure his daughter’s illness. The king did not want her daughter to be a rumor so he sent her away.

The poor princess did not know where to go. However, she had a noble heart. She did not have any bad feeling about her step mother. She walked for almost seven days and seven nights. Then, she came to the south Ocean. The ocean was so clean and clear. She jumped into the water and swam.

Suddenly, there was a miracle. The ocean water cured her illness. She became more beautiful than before. She also had a power to command the whole South Ocean. She became a fairy called Nyi Roro Kidul or The Queen of South Ocean.

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